I've been a tad behind in posting my latest short story publications, interviews, awards, and book reviews recently - it's always a juggling act, and usually website updates fall by the wayside for me. Here are some places to find my new writing and also find out a little bit about what's been going on behind the scenes for me:
I have a literary flash fiction story called ""Equations" that made its debut in Connecticut's Emerging Writers: An Anthology, published by Z Publishing. I've been working on a lot of speculative fiction stories and books recently, so it was a welcome break to take a detour back to literary writing. I also had a fun flash fiction story called "Day Trip" published at Space Squid, which is a sci-fi/fantasy humor ezine. There's not enough funny spec fic out there, and I love everything that Space Squid publishes. I'm happy to have my writing be a part of their ezine again. In addition, a number of really great authors and editors interviewed me. Here's the list: "Breaking In: Interview with Alison McBain" - Stephen Geigen-Miller "Author Interview with Alison McBain" - Nicholas Adams Writes "Bright Spot - Alison McBain" - Rhonda Parrish It's also thrilling that my debut novel The Rose Queen received a glowing review from Steph Warren at Bookshine and Readbows. On top of that, it was one of only 12 books named "Bookshine's Best Reads of 2018," which completely blew me away. I also received a very wonderful recognition for several recent publications. My story "Finale Fortissimo" made the Editors' Choice Fourth Quarterly Review at Bewildering Stories. And my poem "Assimilation," published in AFTERMATH: Explorations of Loss and Grief, was nominated by the editors of Radix Media for the Pushcart Prize. Last, but not least, I will be doing a lot readings, workshops, and book fairs in the next few months in the Connecticut/New York areas - so be sure to check out my "Readings & Events" page for more info on where you can find me. Phew! A lot of stuff has been going on behind the scenes, with more exciting announcements coming soon. So stay tuned!
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Who the heck is Alison McBain?I am a freelance writer and poet with over two hundred short pieces published in magazines and anthologies. Check out my 2024 writing challenge to write a book a week at Author Versus AI. For more info, please check out my "About Me" page. © Alison McBain. All rights reserved
July 2024