Holy moly, I'm so thrilled to end my year with a 5-star book review from Readers' Choice Book Awards! They said it was "Highly Recommended" and noted: Wow! What a finale to a year that really was jam-packed with a lot of amazing things. The highlights: 1) Kids went back to in-person school in January after homeschooling for a year during the pandemic. 2) Sold house in Fairfield, Connecticut amidst lots of nail-biting moments and lots of painting. 3) Moved to Alberta by packing up the car and spending 2 weeks driving across Canada to our new home (yes, I must have been insane to cage myself into the tiny space of a minivan with 3 kids for 2 weeks). 4) Got to our new place with... no furniture. Yep, the furniture arrived about a month after us when it was supposed to come the day after we arrived. We lived very Zen for a while. 5) Unpacked, set up house, and, in the midst of this, my new book came out. Flew back to Connecticut for the book release and to do a few events. 6) Drove back to Alberta in my second cross-Canada trip of the year. Got delayed only a little bit by snow, but it was a very "eek" moment. (Those who know me know I HATE driving in snow. Hibernation in winter is the name of the game). 7) Arrived back home only to vow never to leave again... until the next time, that is. 8) Welcomed my girls' grandparents to visit us for the month of December and the holidays. 9) Santa brought my girls the CUTEST KITTEN EVER (see pic). And that brings us to... ...TODAY, and New Year's Eve eve, the day before the last day of the year. So I hope that everyone out there had an equally enjoyable year - perhaps not as eventful as ours, but good nonetheless. I'm very excited to see what this new year brings, and I wish you all a fun and merry New Year's Eve.
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![]() I recently joined the website BookBub, which is a great place for getting book deals from your favorite authors - you follow the authors you like and get notified on the site about when they're running sales on their books. So if you enjoy my writing and would like to know when I'm next doing a promotion, just follow me on Bookbub for free. I'll be running several promotions over the course of 2023, especially when I have new books coming out. I also have some fab news - a creative nonfiction piece of mine recently received 2nd place in a contest on the writing site Vocal - you can read my winning story "Life, Death & Football" for free on their website. Wishing everyone a happy holiday season. See you in the new year! |
Who the heck is Alison McBain?I am a freelance writer and poet with over two hundred short pieces published in magazines and anthologies. Check out my 2024 writing challenge to write a book a week at Author Versus AI. For more info, please check out my "About Me" page. © Alison McBain. All rights reserved
November 2024