Nowadays, everyone's a photographer because of the ease of taking pictures on our cell phones. However, does that mean we're all GOOD photographers? Heck, no. I'm not sure whether I fall in the category of "good photographer" versus "crap photographer," but I was willing to give sharing my pics a try. I often use the open source image site Pixabay for my publishing work, and so I decided to upload some photos there. The site is free to use and download images from, but if you really like an artist and use a lot of their pics, it's encouraged to tip them for their work. I only have 10 images so far, with 5 more pending, but I figure I'll add a few more each month. If you'd like to check out my page, go HERE. And if you like what you see, give the pics a thumbs up or a download. Here are three ones I love (but then again, I love all of them or I wouldn't have shared them): Hope you like what you see! Keep visiting to see more photos go up each month.
Who the heck is Alison McBain?I am a freelance writer and poet with over two hundred short pieces published in magazines and anthologies. Check out my 2024 writing challenge to write a book a week at Author Versus AI. For more info, please check out my "About Me" page. © Alison McBain. All rights reserved
November 2024